See on Scoop.itLiving Leadership

Seeds are curious things—small, innocuous . . . overlooked.  Incredibly, they are filled with an amazing power for growth. A growth for greatness. So, too, is your capability for seeding leadership potential!

I learned from a close-friend that a single shaft of wheat, left undamaged and allowed to grow unchecked, could spontaneously multiply into a crop large enough to feed the entire world population for an entire year–within only eight years. Likewise, with only a single apple seed, you could grow a tree—and a single apple tree produces enough seed to plant an entire orchard.


Matthew Fritz‘s insight:

I challenge you to ask yourself the following questions about your leadership: “What type of seeds am I planting as a leader?” I am very interested in hearing how you are seeding leadership potential within your team, your family and your community. Are you happy with your harvest…or are you facing a famine?

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